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Latest from the WP North East Blog

How to boost your WordPress website’s SEO using design

By Belinda White | WP North East | May 30, 2024

This presentation delves into the relationship between design and SEO.
How to harness design effectively to improve your website’s search engine rankings and conversions.

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5 Reasons why your WordPress website isn’t driving any business

By Belinda White | WP North East | May 1, 2024

Most websites fail. In fact, nearly all of them fail when trying to drive business. There are millions and millions of websites, and only a small fraction do their job correctly.

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The Secrets of WordPress SEO

By Belinda White | WP North East | October 13, 2022

On October 13th 2022, I was asked to present at the Newcastle WordPress meet-up. My talk focused on one aspect of WordPress SEO that isn’t usually covered – User First SEO.

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WordPress Website Design Principles #5 – Grab Attention

By Belinda White | WP North East | May 29, 2020

A fraction of a second. That’s how long you have to grab attention online. You need to make it instantly clear what your site is about, the main message and action you want someone to take.

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online WordPress training Newcastle

Virtual WordPress Training Newcastle and the North East

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 8, 2020

We’re extremely experienced at delivering virtual WordPress training session. We do this every day and are here to help you get online with WordPress or publish more content. Helping you to take control of your WordPress website.

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why you need to give people something to do on your WordPress website

Why you need to give people something to do on your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | February 21, 2020

Don’t make me think, the title of a well-known book about website user experience design. Visitors to your website want the easiest of experience and believe it or not, they want to be told what to do.

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How long does it take to learn WordPress?

By Belinda White | WP North East | February 12, 2020

It is well known that it is easy to get started with WordPress, but how long does it take to really learn WordPress and how to get the most from the worlds largest publishing platform?

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WordPress Design Training Newcastle

WordPress Website Design Principles #4 – The Power of Colour

By Belinda White | WP North East | November 8, 2019

Colour evokes many emotions which can be used to influence positive and negative reactions. Seeing colour in different situations guides concepts and perceptions. You can use colour on your websites to instantly convey a feeling and draw in your visitor. Colour can inspire action and help consolidate your brand. Use colour to create a powerful website experience.

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Why your WordPress SEO will fail without good design

Why your WordPress SEO will fail without good design

By Belinda White | WP North East | October 4, 2019

Keywords, content and audiences, all-important for successful SEO. However, if your WordPress website is poorly designed your SEO efforts will fail. Find out how design impacts your WordPress SEO.

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WordPress Image Compression and Optimisation

Images, WordPress, the Web and Performance

By Belinda White | WP North East | September 27, 2019

Images and WordPress is one of my most popular training sessions. Most websites have a substantial amount of images. Either in the background or sitting on main pages and posts. If you don’t set your images up correctly they are going to have a dramatic impact on your WordPress website performance.

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WordPress Website Design Training Newcastle

WordPress website design principles #3 – work with the F-layout

By Belinda White | WP North East | June 19, 2019

F-layout or F-pattern. Over time viewing patterns can appear, particularly with the left to right reading. People (in the west) generally look from left to right. You can make this work to your advantage on your website.

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What is a WordPress Landing Page and Why Create One

What is a WordPress landing page and why create one

By Belinda White | WP North East | June 5, 2019

A Landing Page is a unique page someone “lands” after clicking on a search result, inbound link, call to action or advert. Find out how to create one.

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WordPress Website Design Principles 2

WordPress Website Design Principles #2 – Use Negative Space

By Belinda White | WP North East | May 17, 2019

So what does negative space mean in relation to WordPress website design? Breath, just breath. Giving your content room to breath and giving your visitors the space to view what they need will improve the performance of your WordPress website.

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WordPress WooCommerce Training Newcastle. Learn WooCommerce and WordPress

Your stand alone WordPress store can prosper

By Belinda White | WP North East | May 3, 2019

I know you can and should be selling more from your WooCommerce website. Your stand alone WordPress store can sell more. With the right thought processes, consistency and long-term strategy in place, you can create a profitable online store and build your business online.

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WordPress Web Design Training Newcastle

WordPress Website Design Principles #1 – Limit Choices

By Belinda White | WP North East | April 26, 2019

#1 Limiting choices. First of a set of 10 articles focusing on web design principles to incorporate into your WordPress website design project.

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WordCamp London WordPress Training Newcastle

Highlights from WordCamp London 2019 – Bringing you the latest insight

By Belinda White | WP North East | April 8, 2019

Find out the low-down from WordCamp London 2019 and how attending affects the impact of the WordPress training I provide to you.

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WordPress powers a third of the web WordPress Training Newcastle

WordPress powers a third of the web and why it’s great news for you and your business

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 21, 2019

WordPress now powers over 1/3rd of the top 10 million sites on the web. WordPress is statistically the most successful content platform on the web. Why is this good for you?

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WordPress WooCommerce ECommerce Training Newcastle

How to sell more from your WordPress online store – part 3 of 3

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 15, 2019

This is part 3 of a 3 part series to help you get more sales from your WordPress online store. One of the most asked questions during my regular Newcastle based WordPress training sessions.

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WordPress Web Design Newcastle

Why lazy WordPress design is bad for business

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 11, 2019

Template WordPress websites are everywhere, you can easily download a template and create an instant website. However, you will find there is always more to website creation that templates.

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WordPress training for online stores

How to sell more from your WordPress online store – part 2 of 3

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 1, 2019

This is part 2 of a 3 part series to help you get more sales from your WordPress online store. One of the most asked questions during my regular Newcastle based WordPress training sessions.

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WordPress training Newcastle - help with selecting WordPress hosting

The Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting

By Belinda White | WP North East | February 12, 2019

This article is based on my twenty years creating and designing websites and dealing with website hosting. Website hosting can be complex. I am not going to go into all of the technical aspects of hosting and the massive range of plan, packages or prices.

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WordPress WooCommerce Training Newcastle

How to sell more from your WordPress online store – part 1 of 3

By Belinda White | WP North East | January 28, 2019

This is one of the regular areas I cover on many of my Newcastle based WordPress training courses. Many individuals approach WP North East with an online selling issue. Part 1 of 3.

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WordPress Web Design and Training Newcastle

Why you shouldn’t just change your WordPress theme

By Belinda White | WP North East | December 30, 2018

Don’t make the mistake of just changing your WordPress theme without taking the time to understand how your WordPress website can be improved to provide a massive return on investment, increase traffic and conversion. A truly user-centric experience.

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WordPress Training Newcastle WordPress Website Design

How to add an icon to your WordPress menu

By Belinda White | WP North East | December 7, 2018

Sometimes you might want to add an icon to your main menu or top level navigation. A symbol or graphic instead of a written link. With WordPress, this is reasonably straightforward to action.

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WordPress Gutenberg Training Newcastle

Getting ready for Gutenberg. The new WordPress block editor.

By Belinda White | WP North East | December 1, 2018

You may or may not have heard about the big change about to come with WordPress. The new content editor currently called ‘Gutenberg’. This is a big thing in the WordPress community. Set for release towards the end of 2018, or imminently! At the time of writing, it is still in development.

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How to link to a certain part of the same page in WordPress

How to link to a certain part of the same page in WordPress

By Belinda White | WP North East | November 16, 2018

Have you ever wanted to have a word or piece of text on your page that you want to link to another part of the same page?

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WordPress Training Newcastle

Highlights from WordCamp Manchester 2018 – A WordPress Event

By Belinda White | WP North East | November 1, 2018

Find out the low-down from WordCamp Manchester 2018 and how attending affects the impact of the WordPress training I provide to you.

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WordPress SEO Training Newcastle

5 WordPress SEO myths busted and what you absolutely need to do

By Belinda White | WP North East | October 19, 2018

There are many myths and misdirection around WordPress and SEO. Just using WordPress for your website isn’t enough for a great SEO strategy. So I’m going to attempt to clear up some of the regular misconceptions.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

Avoid these mistakes on your first WordPress website set up

By Belinda White | WP North East | September 27, 2018

Having worked with WordPress for over 8 years and delivering WordPress training to many businesses and individuals I’ve developed a checklist and process to streamline and create the best first stage WordPress set up for every WordPress website I create. Find out the mistakes to avoid.

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WordPress Training Newcastle The Benefits of Sticky Posts

The benefits of Sticky Posts on your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | September 24, 2018

What is a ‘sticky post’ I hear you say? By default, your blog posts on WordPress are chronological, date-driven with the latest at the top. In some instances, you may need a particular post to feature first. Find out how.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

How to add a sign-up to your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | September 20, 2018

Find out who’s visiting your website and start a conversation. One of the top performing marketing strategies is email marketing. If you are doing this or planning on doing email marketing you need to start building a list. Here are a few ways to add this feature.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

How to set up a local version of WordPress on your computer

By Belinda White | WP North East | September 14, 2018

There are many occasions when you don’t want to work on a live WordPress website. That being the case, working locally, directly on your computer and not online, is an alternative to working live or on your hosting. In this article, I am going to show you 3 ways to set up a local environment and installation of WordPress.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

Why WordPress is great for Enterprise Level website projects

By Belinda White | WP North East | August 24, 2018

In this article, I am going to demonstrate how powerful WordPress can be for complex or large, enterprise projects. Those that are outside the WordPress community are unfamiliar with the power of WordPress and its many benefits.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

Which WordPress form plugin is right for you

By Belinda White | WP North East | August 18, 2018

Need a form on your WordPress website? Where to start, there are so many solutions. Find out my take on the options you have for your WordPress website.

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WordPress SEO Newcastle

How to get started with SEO on your WordPress website – Part 2

By Belinda White | WP North East | July 27, 2018

As a follow on the “How to get started with SEO on your WordPress website – Part 1” here are the next stages you should work on to get going with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) if you combine these with Part 1 the steps should really power up the search results for your WordPress website.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

How to get started with SEO on your WordPress website – Part 1

By Belinda White | WP North East | June 24, 2018

SEO should not be an afterthought on your WordPress website. If you’re serious about showing up on Google, then knowledge and effort are required right from the start when creating your website.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

Add micro-interactions for maximum gains on your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | June 8, 2018

Microinteractions are small elements that the user interacts with that can often seem so small that it seems unusual that they can make a difference. Find out how they can add more power to your WordPress website conversions.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

The Easy Way to Add an XML Sitemap to your WordPress Website

By Belinda White | WP North East | May 30, 2018

An XML sitemap is a way for website owners to inform Search Engines about specific page (or images or products) on their website. A WordPress XML sitemap also informs Google which links on your website are more important than others and how frequently you update your website.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

How to move from WordPress com to your own self-hosted WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | May 18, 2018

You’re on and you need additional features and functionality. Moving to your own hosted website can seem daunting. Read here a short overview on how to move from the .com to a self-hosted WordPress website.

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WordPress Training Newcastle WordCamp London 2018

Highlights from WordCamp London 2018 – WordPress Community

By Belinda White | WP North East | April 17, 2018

With WordPress as my go-to web platform and WP North East providing detailed WordPress Training in the Newcastle area it is important to me to be part of the WordPress community. This was my second year attending WordCamp London a three day event in April 2018.

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WordPress Web Design Training Newcastle

4 Reasons Why Outstanding Design is Critical for your WordPress Website

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 23, 2018

Your visitor’s expectations are increasingly high, and your website must be designed to appeal to your website visitors. First impressions count and with less than a couple of seconds to grab someone’s attention the design of your website is critical to success.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

5 Tips for Blogging With Your WordPress Website

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 9, 2018

WordPress is built for blogging. It is one of the most widely used blogging platform for business. Blogging takes time and resources, so here are 5 tips to help you make the most of blogging with your WordPress website.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

What you need to know when planning content for your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 4, 2018

You need your WordPress website to be a business driver. You’re paying for hosting, WordPress care and spending time working on content. You need all that activity to bring you a return. You need your WordPress website to convert visitors into customers – conversion rate is a key metric for a successful website.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

Why your WordPress website isn’t driving new business

By Belinda White | WP North East | February 16, 2018

You need your WordPress website to convert visitors into customers – conversion rate is a key metric for a successful website. If you are serious about driving business from your WordPress website, then follow these essential points.

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WordPress and WooCommerce Training Newcastle

Important things to consider before you set up your WooCommerce store

By Belinda White | WP North East | January 27, 2018

Before embarking on setting up a store, there are some important things to get sorted before you start. In this article I am going to cover the basics from a high-level view, I won’t go into too much detail on each aspect, this is just to get you started.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

Here is what you need to do first before you start to create your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | January 18, 2018

It’s very tempting to head straight into picking a Theme, grab some hosting and start creating pages for your website. You have an idea in your head, and you want to get your website live as soon as possible. But once you have a blank page open, what should I write? What image should I put where?

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The best places to find free images for your WordPress website or blog

The best places to find free images for your WordPress website or blog

By Belinda White | WP North East | November 11, 2017

Most websites need a large amount of photography and images to showcase the website content or to help create an eye-catching blog post. With that in mind buying pictures or commisioning a photo shoot can sometimes not be possible. In that situation, how can you find free to use images for your content?

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How to build powerful landing pages for your WordPress website

How to build powerful landing pages for your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | October 22, 2017

Having a WordPress website gives you a great deal of flexibility with pages, content and marketing. Landing pages are a key element of online marketing campaigns and being able to create them quickly and efficiently with WordPress gives you an advantage.

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Changing from HTTP to HTTPS with WordPress

Changing from HTTP to HTTPS with WordPress

By Belinda White | WP North East | October 1, 2017

I’m asked this question more and more. Should I change my WordPress website to HTTPS from HTTP? Do I need to do it now?
As always with websites and digital, some technical aspects need to be considered, however. Here are my thoughts on business impact and actions you need to plan for.

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Newcastle WordPress Training

How to supercharge your WordPress website speed. (without plugins)

By Belinda White | WP North East | September 21, 2017

Having a fast loading and efficient WordPress website is an ever-increasing necessity. Your visitors demand an experience online that is a rapid and concise when visiting your website. There are many factors that affect how your website performs, here I am going to take a look at 3 key factors you need to consider when reviewing your WordPress website performance.

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5 Reasons Why Website Care Is Important To A Successful Online Business

5 reasons why WordPress website care is important to a successful online business

By Belinda White | WP North East | August 29, 2017

Your visitors have high demands when it comes to websites. Find out why WordPress website maintenance is critical to a successful business website.

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WordPress Security and Backup Process

The importance of backup and security for your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | August 8, 2017

Backup and Security. Even the most simple website needs to be backed up and kept secure. 5 straight forward backup and security things you can do now as a minimum for any WordPress set up

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WordCamp Edinburgh WordPress Training

My Highlights from WordCamp Edinburgh 2017

By Belinda White | WP North East | July 28, 2017

Read my takeaways and insight from WordCamp Edinburgh 2017. Two tracks and plenty of coffee and refreshments to keep everyone energised. Speakers for the two-day event covered the latest WordPress ideas and thinking.

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Your quick start guide to effective SEO with WordPress

Search Engine Optimisation. Get the basics right first. Your quick start guide to effective SEO with WordPress

By Belinda White | WP North East | July 26, 2017

[Video and Slide Deck] In July 2017 I had the opportunity to present at the North East, Newcastle WordPress meetup. The topic of my presentation was – Search Engine Optimisation – Get the basics right first – Your quick start guide to effective SEO with WordPress. If you were unable to attend the Newcastle Meetup, you can view my slide deck, watch the video and read my presentation transcript.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

Why WordPress is awesome for powerful business Marketing

By Belinda White | WP North East | May 29, 2017

Your website needs to be your main business marketing asset. Stop sending people to social media and send them to your website. Your bit of the internet that you own and control. Drive visitors and turn them into customers.

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WordCamp London

My Highlights from WordCamp London 2017

By Belinda White | WP North East | April 20, 2017

WordPress WordCamps happen across the world, typically in major cities, however, they can be larger, such as WordCamp Europe. March 2017 saw the WordCamp London Convention. Typically a ‘three track’ event, which means throughout each day there are 3 sets of talks on at any one time covering a broad range of WordPress and website related topics.

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WordPress Training Newcastle

How to update your WordPress website and why it’s important

By Belinda White | WP North East | March 19, 2017

Gone are the days when you could build a WordPress website and leave it for a couple of years before a review. It’s not the 90’s anymore. All technology gets updated; your smartphone, your laptop, even your SatNav. And the WordPress is no exception.

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WordPress Hosting insight

How to choose hosting for your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | February 28, 2017

A successful website is essential in today’s hyper-competitive online space. Choosing the right hosting for your WordPress self-hosted website can seem like a daunting task. There are thousands of hosting companies across the world, and many of them have a simple solution to install and host a WordPress website.

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WordPress Training Course Newcastle

3 tips for picking the right WordPress theme for your business

By Belinda White | WP North East | January 17, 2017

One of the powerful aspects of WordPress is being able to add or create a customised theme for your website. This provides the front end styling of your website, the visual look and feel. Read my tips and insight to guide you when select the right theme for your business website.

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Learn WordPress Training Newcastle

7 Useful Plugins to install after installing WordPress

By Belinda White | WP North East | December 22, 2016

You’ve installed WordPress. Great. The advantage of running your website with WordPress is the vast range of plugins available that can enhance your website and add rich features, many of them free to use.

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Learn WordPress SEO Newcastle

WordPress and SEO the perfect match. 6 quick tips for the best results

By Belinda White | WP North East | November 28, 2016

To make the most of WordPress and SEO there are some key things to do to make sure you get the best results from the start. Here are my 6 quick tips to get you started.

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My Highlights From WordCamp Manchester 2016

By Belinda White | WP North East | November 2, 2016

A WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. WordCamps are informal, community-organised events that are put together by WordPress users and developers. Take a look at my insight from WordCamp Manchester 2016.

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WordPress Support and Care

Why you need to take care of your WordPress website

By Belinda White | WP North East | October 27, 2016

All software needs to be kept up-to-date, safe and secure and your WordPress website is no exception. Have you noticed how many alerts for updates you get on your smart phone, Microsoft software, your car Sat Nav! All tech needs updates so that you can benefit from the latest software features and bug fixes. When …

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WordPress Coaching Newcastle

Which WordPress Option to choose?

By Belinda White | WP North East | August 12, 2016

Do you choose .com or .org? WordPress is an open source platform for website and blogs. You may or may not know that WordPress comes in two variations. The .COM – a hosted area for a blog and the .ORG – a self-hosted option. The major difference between and is who’s actually hosting …

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