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What is a 'sticky post' I hear you say? By default, your blog posts on WordPress are chronological, date-driven with the latest at the top. In some instances, you may need a particular post to feature first. A way of pushing that particular post to the top, giving it the most visibility.

This is a popular feature during the WordPress Training sessions I deliver in Newcastle upon Tyne and the North East region.

Reasons to have a Sticky Post?

So why and when would you want to have a featured blog post at the top instead of the latest post? Here are a few:

  • You have a really popular article that you want to feature
  • An article that is topical or relevant at that time
  • Promotional content
  • A campaign you want to feature

How the sticky post appears on your blog will depend on which theme you are using. To get it to look exactly how you want may require some additional CSS.

How to make your post 'sticky'.

There are a couple of ways to make a post 'sticky'.

Method 1.
First is in 'quick edit'. Go to the All Posts list in your dashboard and hover over the post you wish to make 'sticky' and click on  'Quick Edit', over to the right you will see 'Make this post sticky' (circled on the image below).

WordPress Training Newcastle

Method 2.
The second method is to go to the post you want to make sticky and click on the edit option.  When you are in the main editor area for this post, look to the right, under Publish and click on the 'Public' link which will open up to reveal additional settings. Look for the square box and 'Stick this post to the front page'.

WordPress Training Newcastle

Email me at WP North East and we can chat about your
Sticky Post or Content Marketing requirements. 


The Takeaway

WordPress Training Newcastle

Using your WordPress website or blog as your primary promotional hub online is the best way to drive business growth. Being agile and flexible to be able to promote your best content whenever you need to is a great advantage. Using WordPress's Sticky Post feature when you need to is a powerful way to push your messages to the top.

Need help getting up and running with Sticky Posts or want to know more about our WordPress Training delivered in and around Newcastle upon Tyne, email me

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Specialist WordPress Training Newcastle

Belinda White | WP North East

Belinda White, WordPress Training Consultant. WordPress Training, WordPress SEO Training - Creative Director at Arttia Creative Limited. Creative designer with over 20 years experience in the UK web and design profession.

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