Blogging with WordPress is really powerful. WordPress is built for blogging. It is one of the most widely used blogging platforms for business. Blogging takes time and resources, so here are 5 tips to help you make the most of blogging with your WordPress website.
Tip #1 WordPress Blogging - SEO
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is critical for websites and blogs. There is no point in writing great content if no one can find it?
You are most likely writing for a specific audience. Writing for everyone reaches no one. Which means you need to be writing for your ideal visitor. This audience will be searching for what you do using certain words and phrases. You need to know the phrases they use so you can match your blog writing to include these phrases.

Tip #2 WordPress Blogging - Categories
If you are intensively blogging as a business or for a business, you will be creating a lot of content and blog posts. Which is fantastic. All of this great content needs to be easily found by your blog visitors.
This is where categories help. With WordPress, you can create a range of 'categories' in which to collate your blog posts. Having the categories available for your visitors to see will help them find the content they need. Designing this into your blog or website will improve your User Experience. Help visitors find what they need quickly with a logical category list.

Tip #3 WordPress Blogging - Long Content
It is widely known that Google and your visitors prefer in-depth content. Yes, people will skim long posts, that is fine. They will skim and find the information they need and focus on that. If your blog posts are short, 'thin content' then visitors are likely to skim and then leave. This isn't great for your visitors and your SEO. Dwell time on your site is one of the most critical SEO factors. Time on site can undoubtedly impact your search rankings and traffic to your WordPress blog. Aim for blog posts that are 2,000 words or more for maximum impact.

Tip #4 WordPress Blogging - Publishing Schedule
Regular blog writing can be challenging. For maximum impact, you need to write on a regular basis. Publishing regularly can be challenging without having a schedule. A content or writing schedule can be quickly created using a spreadsheet or with one of the many SaaS tools available such as CoSchedule (great for solo and publishing teams) and Sprout Social. Create a schedule that fits with your diary. If you write weekly base your schedule around that, if you write monthly then a monthly routine is going to be excellent.

Tip #5 WordPress Blogging - Images
Unique images are ideal for blog posts. Make sure you have a library of unique images to use on your blog posts. With the quality of cameras on smart phones, you always have a way of taking images at any time. Take lots of photographs when ever and where ever you can, you never know when you will spot that perfect image for your next blog post.

The Takeaway
Creating a structure to your blogging activity will help you captialise the most on your content and it's creation. Using the power of a WordPress website to drive traffic, create influence, inform and entertain your readers.
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