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Latest from the WP North East Blog
How to boost your WordPress website’s SEO using design
This presentation delves into the relationship between design and SEO.
How to harness design effectively to improve your website’s search engine rankings and conversions.
5 Reasons why your WordPress website isn’t driving any business
Most websites fail. In fact, nearly all of them fail when trying to drive business. There are millions and millions of websites, and only a small fraction do their job correctly.
Read MoreThe Secrets of WordPress SEO
On October 13th 2022, I was asked to present at the Newcastle WordPress meet-up. My talk focused on one aspect of WordPress SEO that isn’t usually covered – User First SEO.
Read MoreWordPress Website Design Principles #5 – Grab Attention
A fraction of a second. That’s how long you have to grab attention online. You need to make it instantly clear what your site is about, the main message and action you want someone to take.
Read MoreVirtual WordPress Training Newcastle and the North East
We’re extremely experienced at delivering virtual WordPress training session. We do this every day and are here to help you get online with WordPress or publish more content. Helping you to take control of your WordPress website.
Read MoreWhy you need to give people something to do on your WordPress website
Don’t make me think, the title of a well-known book about website user experience design. Visitors to your website want the easiest of experience and believe it or not, they want to be told what to do.
Read MoreHow long does it take to learn WordPress?
It is well known that it is easy to get started with WordPress, but how long does it take to really learn WordPress and how to get the most from the worlds largest publishing platform?
Read MoreWordPress Website Design Principles #4 – The Power of Colour
Colour evokes many emotions which can be used to influence positive and negative reactions. Seeing colour in different situations guides concepts and perceptions. You can use colour on your websites to instantly convey a feeling and draw in your visitor. Colour can inspire action and help consolidate your brand. Use colour to create a powerful website experience.
Read MoreWhy your WordPress SEO will fail without good design
Keywords, content and audiences, all-important for successful SEO. However, if your WordPress website is poorly designed your SEO efforts will fail. Find out how design impacts your WordPress SEO.
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